Monday Jan 17, 2022
2022: A New Year In View, p1
By the time we come to the end of a year, we’re usually so glad, even relieved that all that old crap and drama is over. We can now start over. I know I could us a do-over for so many things in my life, not just at the end of a year, but everyday. New Year has about renewal, refreshing ray of hope that hard to resist. My youngest sons and talk about our past with our future in clear view. Join us. Share your thoughts, ideas, and emotions. What are you thinking about for 2022? Listen in as we share our vision.
Radio show airs at 11 a.m. Pacific / 2 p.m Eastern on WKBY 1080 AM (Chatham, VA) and
The RZNGMEN Show can also be heard on Spotify, iTunes, and iHeart Radio.
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