Thursday Nov 08, 2018
"Annual Check-up" - w/ my guest, my 12 yr son Evan
As men, we need to get annual check-ups to see how we’re doing spiritually. We need to do the same with our relationships. I’ve done this in the past with my sons, and it was time to do it again. We need to listen to our children’s heart and see really what we’ve put in there. Have been depositing love, hope, peace, joy, etc. in there. Or, have we deposited so many other negative things. We have to know the truth and it will make us free. But, we have to hear it first. Faith comes through hearing. We should trust God enough to hear what he wants for us to do more and less of in our children’s lives. On today’s episode, I interview my 12 year old son, Evan. He speaks his own mind. I didn’t lead, prompt, or censor him. Out of his own hearth he spoke truth the free us while we spoke. I believe it will free you too.
Live Show link:
2 pm & 10 pm ET, 11 am & 7 pm PT on WKBY 1080 AM (Chatham, VA).
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