Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
”Change” - p1
Change is the only constant in our lives. Seconds pass. Breaths, inhale and exhale. Moment-by-moment passes and we take some many of them for granted. We're not entitled to the ones we're using, not to mention the next. We need to cherish each. It is essential to be present in the very moment that we're in. We need to live like the each moment is the last one we'l every have. This is a pain lesson I knew when my mother and then mother-in-law passed, but tragically learned when my wife died. I've been reminding myself and teaching my sons, and anyone who'll listen ever since. Join us. Listen. Learn. Grow. It will change your life.
Radio show airs at 11 a.m. Pacific / 2 p.m Eastern on WKBY 1080 AM (Chatham, VA) and
The RZNGMEN Show can also be heard on Spotify, iTunes, and iHeart Radio.