Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
It begins at home - wk 1
I don't really know what to say about this episode. God just surprised me. All I knew is that I was so frustrated with leaders and leadership. What happened to family values? What happened to our values? When did we stop demanding more from ourselves, our leaders, our role models? When did we stop being role models? When did we take our hands off the wheel and let someone else have responsibility for us, our children, our future. The only one that has these responsibilities, and so many more, is God. Our currency says "In God we trust", but we've taken Him out of everywhere that really matters. Whose fault is it? Whose going to take responsibility for our actions and decisions? We have to! And it begins at home. Week one of my new series. Let's go Lord. Take the wheel.
Radio Show airs on: www.wkby1080.net , 2 pm & 10 pm ET, 11 am & 7 pm PT on WKBY 1080 AM (Chatham, VA).
*** The RZNGMEN Show can also found on iTunes & Spotify!! ***