Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Teachable Moments - Part 1: "Father Knows Best"
As fathers, we have an important role. There are many components to that role: Protector, Teacher, role model, janitor, handyman, counselor, playmate, and the list goes on. Some of the role we like, and some we hate. The ones that we like, we excel at and really do well. The others, well… you know how that goes. Over the next several weeks, I’m going to explore some valuable tools to help improve your teachable moments in your life. This will be an excellent series to listen with your children, and definitely with other men.
Radio Show link: www.wkby1080.net, 2 pm & 10 pm ET, 11 am & 7 pm PT on WKBY 1080 AM (Chatham, VA).
*** The RZNGMEN Show can also found on iTunes & Spotify!! ***
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