Tuesday May 07, 2019
Teachable Moments - Part 2: "Me, Myself, & I"
This is week 2 of this study and it explores what we do with what our fathers knew best to teach us (Week 1). Who do we listen to? Anyone? What about God?
- Hearing is simply the act of perceiving sound by the ear. If you are not hearing-impaired, hearing simply happens.
- Listening, however, is something you consciously choose to do. Listening requires concentration so that your brain processes meaning from words and sentences. Listening leads to learning.
"We're hearing everything, but we're listening to something."
Discussion Questions:
- List the people that you give influence in your life and actually listen to what they say to and about you.
- Over the past 2 weeks, what was one thing that they said that you listened to and acted upon?
- What are some things that the people or person above said that you have been resistant, hesitant, or afraid to act on?
- What have they said that angered of frustrated you?
- What is something that they said that surprised you?
- Name someone that you are an influential in their life.
- How does that make feel when they listen to you?
- How does it make you you feel when they don’t listen to you?
- Give an example of how you are being a good influence in their life.
- Give an example of how you are being a bad influence in their life.
Radio Show link: www.wkby1080.net, 2 pm & 10 pm ET, 11 am & 7 pm PT on WKBY 1080 AM (Chatham, VA).
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